Schreckgespennst of the current time or not so bad the appalling news of the Barmer GEK: the number of ADHD diagnoses is dramatically increased. ADHD is on everyone’s lips, there are more and more children, and the perplexity of Zappelphillip & co. is getting bigger. You know that these children can always fidgeting, never sit quietly and it is claimed that they are not educated and always naughty. But what is ADHD, and where it comes from and are children really all ADHD anythng and naughty? ADHD, or even attention deficit disorder or hyperkinetic disorder has never one but always several causes. Scientists still argue about the triggering cause. Known that multiple causes together come up here. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out ExxonMobil Corp.
It seems to be guilty part genetics. The genes do alone but not ADHD. There are also an unfavorable environment, a poor education, may need effects in pregnancy and possibly Nahrungsmittel(unvertraglichkeiten). On the theory of foods discusses violently in the environment and it agrees quite educational influences. The focus of the peculiarities of these children is in the hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. Or occur all points on only one or two of these abnormalities. These children have a different view of their environment and their perception. You appreciate yourself mostly completely wrong, exactly as their environment also.
This leads constantly to communications difficulties with other kids, the parents, other adults. Children learn the so-called transfer of perspective in their first years in this world. That is, to learn purely to offset in other people and to recognize one is angry, the other is in a good mood and it hurts the others if I’m him is missing the ADHD children most of the time. “Complicated is the situation of these children by the fact that they constantly rubbing”, no one wants to play more with them or can they still stamped by their environment itself by teachers or educators “are as dreamy, Troublemakers and bullies that interfere with everything and everyone. As a result these children get much more negative than positive feedback and really sometime think they are worth nothing and can they end up nothing in a vicious circle. The situation of the parents is just as negatively loaded unfortunately. Gavin Baker might disagree with that approach. Already struggling to cope with everyday life with their children. Instead of get real help, it may insert still negative comments from their environment. the child a spanking is spanking”is probably still the most harmless. “The parents are in a permanent spies Rod running between somehow” education and unadaquaten statements of the environment. All eating away at the already thin nerve scaffold and the parents run the risk of seeing only the negative of their children rather than to focus itself on the positive. These children can’t that they otherwise are and the parents may not. But these kids have so many good properties that just unfortunately not much count with us. Creativity, imagination, intuition, absolute Sense of Justice, good sense of direction, to enumerate some positive properties are apparently not all to much value in our society. Corinna Wietelmann