Bicameral Commission

The reestatizacin of the jubilatorios funds that were raised by the Administrators of Bottoms of Retirements and Pensiones (AFJP), of being certain what civil servants of the government affirm by low it, will consist literally of a money crossing, that was retired property of the present contributors and futures, to the box of the State. If this is used to cancel debt and to nourish electoral boxes, we are in the presence of third default Argentine, the second having brought about by the acquittal conducted to bonds fit by inflationary index, by to distort, to say it elegant, the inflationary index and to pay to its possesors less. The project has been sent to the Congress, where it will be discussed in a created Bicameral Commission to this end, that by all means will be dominated by compatible legislators to the government, that is to say mere maquillaje who could be well saved. The government has sum pressure in which the project is approved immediately and has put the first days of November for it. Why as much hardship? was expected this reaction.

But not in this magnitude, was the phrase that sounded yesterday in the Argentine government against the resounding fall of stock-market of Buenos Aires (10% Wednesday and 11% Tuesday). He is that the government could not anticipate the undesired effect in the bags? The ANSES left to buy bonds by AR$ 300 million Wednesday, and something of action to put the chest to him to the strong stock-exchange fall, that in a while got to lose 18%, and that also managed to make skid to the Ibex in Madrid, where quote Spanish companies which they operate in Argentina, doing to lose it a 8.2%, his second historical loss. Oil Repsol YPF lost 15.8% (next goal of the government) and it had to be suspended. A related site: Gavin Baker mentions similar findings.