In respect of dark matter have been written a number of pages, without explanation, for example, points us stars in some spiral galaxies rotate very quickly. According to the laws of Newtonian mechanics, the velocity of a star along its orbit depends on the mass of the Galaxy contained within the orbit of the star. However the visible mass is much lower than expected. Hear from experts in the field like Vadim Wolfson for a more varied view. Where is the mass that is missing.? Galaxies in the universe are normally grouped into clusters needing to remain United for the force of gravitational attraction produced by a large amount of mass. Additional information at garden furniture supports this article. The required mass is not observed. Where are you? There are strong theoretical arguments in favour of a universe dominated by dark matter. These arguments are based on the so-called inflationary model according to which the universe underwent a period of growth accelerated at the few moments After the Big Bang. This theory predicts that the universe would be dominated by dark matter: 99% of material that the universe is not visible.
The total amount of mass predicted by this model is a parameter which astrophysicists call the critical mass of the universe. Adds us the source of information indicated that discoveries about the origin of the universe and some recent astronomical observations seem to indicate that the universe is large scale constituted mostly by a form of matter not yet observed. The theories of elementary particles allow the possibility of the existence of forms of matter in the universe that we have not yet detected. What is the nature of this mysterious form of matter? Experimental possibilities are there for your observation? What was the origin of this hypothesis and what so strong is the experimental evidence in its favor? 19Th century astronomers were aware that the orbit of Uranus is shifted with respect to the results predicted by the Newtonian mechanics.