The beginning of the first letter of Oscar demonstrates a bargain attempt. Oscar tells some acts of its infancy as ' ' I touched fire in the cat, the dog, the house (I find that until I fried the red peixinhos of the aquarium), ' ' later affirms ' ' never the word directed it because nor I believe that you (God) exista' ' , however, in the following paragraph it writes ' ' But, if it wrote this, it would catch badly, you it would have pssima impression, it would go to be interested little for me. Necessary that if interesse' '. The speech change, sample that exists an interest for the aid of God. Read more from Stanford University to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Oscar offers to its ' ' crena' ' so that God if interest for it. The bargain is the phase of the negotiation, where the patient it offers everything for a bigger time of life. In such a way, it can offer as many monetary values, until promises of a more loving and dedicated life the God. It is a phase of reflection, serenity and docilidade (after all, if it cannot negotiate with God, antagonizing the next one).
A phrase of Oscar marks a period of training where it is perceived depression, it says ' ' It had not given account to me before how much it needed aid. It did not judge me thus, so sick. The idea not to see more made Vov-Rose me to perceive, the tears drained burning mine rosto' '. The Depression appears when the patient takes conscience of its physical atony, when already she does not obtain to deny its conditions of sick person, when the perspectives of the death clearly is felt. It is a loss feeling, where we perceive the reality of that we are born and we die alone. It is a phase characterized for I discourage, disinterest, apathy, sadness and cry.