Domain Name

The definitive solution, until the moment, came with the launching of the second version of the protocol of address IP, the Ipv6. In contrast of the Ipv4 Ipv6 the consisting of one hundred and twenty and eight bits divided in eight blocks of sixteen bits, what as Kaplan and 6,67 Rhodes are approximately * 1027 Ipv6 addresses for square meter in our planet, what ' ' it waits-se' ' what is the definitive solution for the exhaustion of addresses IP? s. Beyond the increase of offers of addresses IP? s the Ipv6 brings many useful attributes: obligator auto-configuration of address, addresses anycast, addresses multicast, IPsec, simplified structure of heading, among others. One of the characteristics above that it must be detached is the obligator use of addresses multicast. Of this new attribute the necessity of protocols of resolution of names multicast in corporative environments of nets appears where he has not been implemented serving DNS (Services Domain Name) and that it is desired to use processes of resolution of form names not to generate much traffic in the net. The more used protocol of resolution of names in environments, that do not make use of DNS are the NetBIOS protocol. This protocol if communicates with the computers of nets by means of the diffusion process, that is, when one host requests an access to a resource in the net the order is sent for all the machines that if find in the same sub-net. For Mackin and Northrup (2009, P.

122) the traffic in a NetBios net is ' ' ruidoso' ' e, which had to the information that they transmit is not particularly insurance. Still, as Mackin and Northrup (2009, p.122), the Netbios is qualified by standard in the Microsoft nets. This activation appeared of the necessity of the users to use, conventionally, the name of universal convention (configured simple name for a resource, example, computador01) to have access to other resource in the net. .