Most people don’t look back on their college experience and bemoan the fact that they didn’t study more. They might, however, bemoan the fact that they didn’t let themselves have enough fun while they were studying all the time. That’s why it’s so important to create a balance during the college years. Of course studying is important; you’ll want to do your best and put your best foot forward for the future job market.
But, while you’re working hard, you should also play hard. Make sure that you know when the next USC football game is. Go to it and enjoy yourself! Find out what movies are playing at the school, what music concerts are coming nearby and which restaurants are having a seasonal favorite.
This is your life and you should learn to enjoy it as much as you can. Soon enough, you’ll be working full time and responsible for many things in your life. Why not live it up a bit now, before all of the stress hits and you have to face the “real” world?