Ensino Average

Linguistic luggage of each one is important to start observing it, and that they socialize this luggage with the group, of gestual, imagtica verbal form, and writing, that the activities of writing are easy and always leave of its daily experiences so that they lose the fear to write and understand that the writing as well as speaks, are resultant of the thought and that they can speak and to write on the things that they read they think, they feel, observe on the events. ‘ ‘ Education must go increasing the communicative capacity of the form apprenticees that this work helps same to go improving the use that makes of the language through it says and of the writing ‘ ‘ (LUFT, 2008) In practical mine of reading and production of text in classroom, since the initial series, a time that already I worked since Preschool until 3 the Year of Ensino Average I always look for to observe the previous knowledge, the reality to vocabular to offer compatible activities with its realities, leading in account the semiticos resources to they that go to help them in the reading, understanding and interpretation of the texts are they read by me they will hear in the initial series or the read ones for them in the series most advanced. Another important point is the context of production of the texts written for them. A professor cannot ask for to the pupils whom they write on a subject that they do not have knowledge. It is necessary before to talk with them on the subject, to guide them so that they read, search in the media virtual printed or, in TV, radio programs, in films, sets of documents. The professor has responsibility to offer to all the conditions, the resources/sources so that they can support themselves and feel themselves prepared to write on the subject.

The pupil must learn since early that the act to read and to write is indissociveis and on the perception and emotion because they descontraem, creating openings it text to be constructed. The ideal in the hour to write a text is to leave to flow the readings, the previous experiences, therefore this facilitates the act to write, becoming it pleasant and efficient. finally the pupil must know with that intention it goes to write, because who writes, writes to communicate something to somebody, the pupil who goes to write a text it has that to know with that communicative intention it goes to carry through that activity, and the necessary educator to remember that it is preparing its pupil to communicate with fluency and this includes to prepare it, also taking it reorganization, that is, the rewrite of the when necessary text. Thus the professor/educator will be ‘ ‘ using the difficulties that the pupils possess in relation to the language to develop its works, therefore to work with the errors of the pupils is fundamental.’ ‘ (LUFT, 2008). Especially when the verbal one/written without embarrassment in all is about the use of all the forms of communication especially the comunicacionais situations in its life citizen.