Is it enough simply to approach or to build a relationship? You would think this a strange question, because the most important thing is infinite love, and everything else is not important? In fact, the case is far from true, and the question is deep understanding of its importance, and conscious of his study – a pledge long life together. For even more opinions, read materials from Mayor of NYC. That's what the focus of this article, written by a professional psychologist, founder of Training Centre 'Sinton' Nicholas Ivanovich Kozlov. Let the first six months of your life together will be no tryouts and training marriage in which your co-creative would be the construction of family relationships. * Usually no one is building: met love, he told her declaration of love, they married – and now live, as it turns out. Most often the relationship really add up themselves, unconsciously and spontaneously, and this is usually more contribution by women. Why? Firstly, because it her feminine style relationship. * This is a vague and moving style.
What was 'yes' to a moment ago, after two minutes and can be 'may', and straight 'no'. Men's style – a simple, clear, well-defined, but often too straight and harsh. Second, because women are more capable in principle of the world relations. * Men may well think, but in a relationship should be a lot of sense. And where he does not understand anything, she feels everything that is necessary, and leads to where she should be. Therefore, the way women in relationships – the way a sense, sometimes called 'the path of the heart', or a spontaneous way as if spontaneously, when everything's working without shall discuss, as it were, of course.