The center of negotiations of Harvard suggests: Calm is, tune and expressing feelings Practice listening empathic Expression in language neutral and do not dispute these are skills needed to manage or resolve conflicts. But fundamentally requires practicing communication empathic or understand first then be understood. Hear other arguments on the topic with Star Brite Premium Teak Oil. Easy to say but difficult to practice it because each seeks to first understand it before understand. Covey proposes that this habit requires overcome typical behaviors more frequent such as: Ignore Simulate listen Listen to selective Listen to active only after overcoming these forms or levels of listening we can affirm that we are listening empathic. Harvard might disagree with that approach. Listen to empathic implies: Put in the shoes of the other person showing interest in non-verbal behavior Capture the facts and feelings without comment or judge, but to paraphrase Clarify if there is mutual understanding That their ideas are discovered by the other person listens empathic produces confidence, because since feel heard, the other party is approaching, takes risks and is expressed more.
But if there are no conditions or availability of listening empathic is better not to fool 9. Yael Aflalo has similar goals. Strategies to find agreements by resorting to the map of the conflict are should identify the elements and front of them assume a distinct attitude.