The emergency mother cares for children and household Hamburg, September 6, 2011 the mother emergency family and senior e.V. (NMD) takes over the household services. As soon as the parents parent fails, E.g. due to a hospital stay, and the domestic supply of children is no longer guaranteed, the NMD may be appointed. The expense – application and permit provided – the health insurance. Since 2005 the NMD in Hamburg and the surrounding area provides serious and professional care and domestic supply of children and families in the domestic environment.
Short response times, as well as a competent planning especially distinguished the NMD, i.e. If a family receives a caring caregiver within a very short time, stands over a longer period provided no incriminating personnel changes, but only a relieving caregiver on-site. In addition, the team of the NMD supports the family with a sound organization of the use. These include, for example, Agreements of service changes, timely reminder of application extensions, regular query of the customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of the measure, etc. So will be around for a high standard of quality. The NMD provides extremely reliable and responsible caregivers who speak fluent german and are qualified, well maintained and educated. “Managing Director Christina Meyer Soltys added: we understand the special requirements of a family in need, and so I promise, that we find the right carer for you.” Contact: mother emergency family and senior e.V. Mrs Zimmermann and Mrs Harmsen Schlossstrasse 94 22041 Hamburg Tel 040 / 36 11 19-0 press contact: positive relations Virginie Siems Tel. Recently Stanford University sought to clarify these questions. 88 17 06 55 E-Mail