1) Objectives: ) the passaraos pupils the ways and techniques to identify to the structural elements emusicalidade of the poem (estrofes, verses, you rhyme or not-you rhyme, rhythm), osprocessos intensifiers, the imagstica, and one of the interpretations possveisdentro of the poemtica multisignificao; b) Drummonde its poetical workmanship figure enters the great ones of the Brazilian poetry, Olavo Bilac, Manuel Flag, Cruz and Sousa, Gonalves Days, I castrate Alves, Casimiro de Abreu, Gregorio de Matos, Toms Antonio Gonzaga, lvares de Azevedo, Fagundes Varela, CecliMeirelles, Vincius de Moraes, Augustus of the Angels, Corra Jnior, Brant-Horta, etc. In search of a direction for the life, poetando social subjects, living times deguerra, economic depression, unemployment, dictatorships, the two world-wide wars, military aditadura, the Cold War,, had life contents and experience to emtransmitir with emotion, is a skeptic miner-Carioca that he seems if desencantoucom the religion and God; it also wrote Literature, Grammar and Writing, vol.3′ ‘ , Current Publishing company, assimcomentam on the 30 poetry of and the second modernista generation: ‘ ‘ The poetry (treating to conflicts of the man, in general more universal) and the romance of 30 (regionalistic, to speak of the Brazilian man or the man of one of the regions dopas) were worried basically about the direction of the existence human being, with the confrontation of the man with the reality, with ‘ ‘ be-knot-mundo’ ‘ , asinquietaes social, religious, philosophical, loving, etc. The poets of 30seguem diverse ways, go of the philosophical-existencialista reflection aoespiritualismo, the social concern and politics to the regionalism, dametalinguagem to the sensualismo. In 1930, the fight of the first one> generation modernistacontra the academic culture already was victorious. For even more opinions, read materials from Hampton Bay. Its proposals, as versolivre, the search of a Brazilian language, the interest for the national landscape epelos on subjects to the daily one, definitively were consolidated in nossaliteratura. The second free generation docompromisso to fight the past, keeps many of the conquests of the geraoanterior, but also it is felt entirely to the will to come back cultivarcertas before rejected forms, in reason of the radicalism of the first generation.