When communicating with the seller ask more questions. Main secret communication with the seller, I believe correctly formulated questions. Of course you and without them, should tell all and show, but it's not a fact. I do not propose to arrange examination, I propose to take the initiative in their hands. Want to find out everything you need and not waste time on unnecessary talk? I think what you want. Saves you time in your own hands.
In the process of communication you should also find out the level of preparation of the seller. This is most simply done by asking the right questions. If you yourself will ask you, of course, simplify the work of the seller and he will not have to guess what you are interested. As shown by my Practice sales of furniture, it is always easier to find common ground with someone who is interested in something specific, and he asked about it. But the experience of working with vendors shows that even professionals sometimes forget to report all necessary information. Go to brokerage firm for more information. They just consider it for granted and do not say. In this regard, the newcomer even better, he'll tell you the full presentation that shows all the samples, etc.