It is his assigned paper. He does not have great thing that to lose, plagued as he is of narcopolitical and guerrilla conflicts, and of destabilization in bulk; and yes that to win much: that the elites are screwed insensitively in a country with a government system who distracts his sores with constumbre and the …
Tag Archives: the news
Rudy Giuiliani
After to be despised for being dissident now begins to be supported by several leaders of establishment republican. Arnold Schwarzenegger has endorsed him from general Norman Schwarzkopf (leader of the coalition that attacked Iraq in 1991) to the governor of California. Rudy Giuiliani, the ex- mayor of New York that in the 2007 got to …
Constructive Defects
CONSTRUCTIVE DEFECTS: Terms of the Proprietor Community to protest. Ignorance by the proprietors of the different terms from the L.O.E entails the loss of its Right to protest. With the entrance in force of the new LAW OF ARRANGEMENT OF the CONSTRUCTION, applicable to all those buildings whose Work License has been asked for after …
Bicameral Commission
The reestatizacin of the jubilatorios funds that were raised by the Administrators of Bottoms of Retirements and Pensiones (AFJP), of being certain what civil servants of the government affirm by low it, will consist literally of a money crossing, that was retired property of the present contributors and futures, to the box of the State. …