The Practical

The seat of the chair when raised it discloses an excellent compartment to keep to things and when the chair is being used if it incases perfectly inside of the table completing the front of the truck of the firemen. Source: Source: Source: Etimologicamente the term Ergonomics means, second, Grandjean, E. the Ergonomics is a science of interdisciplinar. It understands the physiology and the psychology of the work, as well as the anthropometry is the society in the work. The Practical objective of the Ergonomics is the adaptation of the rank of work, the instruments, the machines, the schedules, the environment to the requirements of the man. The accomplishment of such objectives, to the industrial level, propitiates an easiness of the work and an income of the human effort (1968).

Another definition of Ergonomics, defined for the IEA (Brazilian Association of Ergonomics), says that Ergonomics is one disciplines scientific related to the agreement of the interactions between the human beings and other elements or systems, and to the application of theories, principles, data and methods the projects in order to perfect the welfare human and the global performance of the system. The projetual activity of a product can cause advantages as ergonomically correct products, reduction of the energy consumption, reduction of thermal losses, and more easily the choice of correct materials. In relation the application of the Ergonomics to the Design, the operalizao between these two areas, if of the one through, according to Van to give linden (2007), use of principles, methods and data, that constitute its quantity, formed from the research and of analyze of results of ergonomizadoras interventions. In what one mentions the projetuais methodologies, according to Baxter (1998), the project of the product must establish goals for development of products, them they must be clear, concise, you specify and verifiable 3-Generation of alternatives In the generation of alternatives analyzes was used them that they had been described in the work. Rough drafts source personal archive (2009) 4-Finishing and Final Proposta Writing-desk for child has its forms ergonomically more projected curves. According to Gomes (2000), the rounding has as characteristic marcante the smoothness that the forms organic generally they transmit, thus the form gains more presence with the forms of the nature. Suggested colors – White: that it indicates pureness and smoothness. Gomes (2000), the color and the part emotiva of the visual process. Bruce flatt may not feel the same.

He possesss a great force and he can be used to express and to strengthen the visual information. Organization of the work in function of the objectives and the relation with the man-user, observing itself the study of the dimensions. In accordance with each process of the manufacture. Drawing technician? source: personal archive (2009) Proposal final source: personal archive (2009) Partial Conclusions the main objective of this project was to consider innovation of what the projected infantile writing-desk through studies says respect ergonomically. Thus the research submitted – to the furniture analysis using tool PDCA, being able to be itself possible to apply in practical the all the worked concepts, aiming at to the idealizao of new design that it has adjusted to ace necessities not only functional, but essentially, to economic and more sustainable characteristics to the environment. Demonstrating that when projecting a furniture destined I publish to it infantile is necessary to observe the manufacture process all, since the rough draft in the paper it ties the end item. References BAXTER, Mike.Projeto de Produto.2 ed. So Paulo. Edgard Blcher ltda, 1998. LBACH, Bernard.Design Industrial.1 Ed. So Paulo.