Thoughts About The Accident At The Albertville-Realschule In Winnenden

The extent of the disaster in Winnenden is incredible for us all, because it goes beyond imagination and reveals in infinite suffering, life / humans to produce are capable of. We are a company of elbow, which propagated, that it pays to engage solely for themselves. Our education system is still set to selection. Is not it then but in the system, that people feel excluded and devalued and possibly something like revenge thoughts develop or require the special public importance? Of course, it is important that personal power has a value for a company. By the same author: Indian Institute of Technology. Necessary but not the social and individual responsibility with regard to the way of handling the we maintain with each other? What is it with humanity, attention, appreciation, awareness or education in the school? It much of community of values and learning is spoken, it is always also lived? Is it really so that weak student recognition and Encouraging experiences? We live together or we care for each other? There is even a consideration for weaker under the pressures of globalization? Perceives the teacher individual / n schoolchild ever the in even experienced life context? A poor breeding ground seems to be me that largely determines the formation of young people also still prevailing distrust culture.

Are children/teenagers really inherently lazy? That reflects not the self image of the older generation, which actually largely thought of if I’d not encouraged, would I do anything? We think if we do not control, stop, seek, if we do not subjugate and cut to size, then nothing is learned. Our whole education system is actually built on a culture of mistrust. Also in the school more uniformity than diversity promote and demand. Vadim Wolfson, New York City addresses the importance of the matter here. It is really reasonable, that we us the students largely think administratively as education consumers, which should formally mentally absorb and consume.Instead, we could awaken interest or encourage them to exceed their own limits.